雖然說是比較,但在做測試時,條件設定上沒有很精確,例如防風罩都是不同種、gain的設定與最後loudness的設定沒有很精確,加上比較著重在stereo image的比較,而非麥克風彼此的比較,所以結果僅供參考囉😅
In order to let myself know more about the mics I owed, I did this comparison. It is a rough comparison, because I didn’t set the gain level to EXACTLY the same, and the windscreens I used were different. So the results are just for reference.
I apologize if any words or sentences are wrong. It’s not easy to write an article in English for a non-native English speaker.
- 120° Wide Position:Sony PCM D-100 + Rycote Windjammer
- MS:Stickless Mini MS +Sound Devices Mixpre-6II + BBI Windkiller SE(Haven’t bought a windjammer for it)
- Spaced pairs:LOM Usi pro(相距50cm) +Sound Devices Mixpre-6II + BBI Windbubbles
住宅區街道聲 Street with some vehicles pass by
地點:我家陽台(二樓) Location: My apartment balcony(2F) Hualien, Taiwan
1-1 120° Wide Position
1-2 MS
1-3 Space Pairs
2-1 120° Wide Position
2-2 MS
2-3 Space Pairs
3-1 120° Wide Position
3-2 MS
3-3 Space Pairs
火車經過 Train pass by
地點:花蓮吉安 Hualien, Taiwan
普悠瑪 Puyuma Express
左至右 Left to right
1-1 120° Wide Position
1-2 MS
1-3 Space Pairs
莒光號 Chu-Kuang Express
左至右 Left to right
2-1 120° Wide Position
2-2 MS
2-3 Space Pairs
海浪 Ocean Waves
地點:花蓮吉安海濱 Hualien, Taiwan
1 120° Wide Position
2 MS
3 Space Pairs